Tag: neo

Techncial Workshop_DeFi Development on Neo, Flamingo Casestudy

Li Chen, Sr. developer from Neo provided a deep dive into the Flamingo code.

Technical Workshop_Intro to Contract Development on Neo

In this workshop, we will be configuring a basic development environment, writing a simple smart…

Neo Christmas NFT Treasure Hunt

During the Christmas Special Operation, NGD's "God of Events" - Johnny is secretly hiding the…

Coinbase Custody: Aave, Ampleforth, Curve Finance, Neo, Reserve Rights, Tron, VeChain, WBTC

Coinbase Custody Explore New Projects | Filecoin (FIL) On Coinbase, Gemini, Huobi | Where will…

#NeoatConsensus 01_Da Hongfei_Neo3 Empowering Smart Economy

Neo participated Consensus: Distributed 2020 as Foundation partner and deliveried a one hour long presentation…

Zilliqa Neo-savant IDE version 1.2.0

We have just released Neo-savant IDE version 1.2.0. This version features integration with chrome extension…

Zilliqa Neo Savant IDE ASCII Art Walkthrough

A short walkthrough on how to deploy a simple ASCII art smart contract on our…